The Arab Conquest of the Levant A.D. 636-656.Martina’s Bane comes with two scenarios and one campaign from the battle of Yarmouk in 636 to the assasination of the third calife in 656.Designer: Jason juneauAvailable:: early July
VaeVictis #130, November-December 2016Special Issue including Alma 1854, wargame with die-cut counters.
Aspern-Essling 1809 covers the two days of the battle (May 21th and 22nd), with special rules dealing with the command situation of the French army (Lannes and Masséna). The bridges between the island of Lobau and the left bank of the Danube also play an important place in the simulation.2nd edition
A game by Nicolas Stratigos, VaeVictis jeux d'histoire seriesThe battle of Debrecen took place after the battle of Turda, published in Storms in the East. Forthcoming : July 2017
Issue #135 - Special Game Issue : includes Bautzen 1945September-October 2017 Forthcoming end of August
Subsccription to 6 "classic" VaeVictis (without game inside), plus 2 wargames of the VaeVictis "jeux d'Histoire" series.
VaeVictis Issue #178 - January-February 2025 Special Game issue including the wargame with die-cut counters:The Imperial Guard at the battle of Eylau
VaeVictis Issue #146 - Special game issue, includes the wargame with die-cut counters: Hondschoote 1793July-August 2019
The Marshalls V is a complete game from the series The Marshals, designed by Denis Sauvage. It covers the campaigns of spring and autumn 1800 that took place in Germany from the crossing of the Rhine to the banks of the Inn. Pre-order with a 15% discount until 24th. December 2016 ! Available : End of december 2016
VaeVictis Issue #169 - July/August 2023 Special Game issue including the wargame with die-cut counters:Lützen 1813
VaeVictis Special game Issue #149 - January - February 2020Includes the wargame with die-cut counters : Narvik 1940
VaeVictis #126, March-April 2016Special Issue including Hastenbeck 1757, wargame with die-cut counters.
Battle of Wattignies 24-25 Vendémiaire An II - The Soldiers of the Republic Volume VI
VaeVictis #124, October-November 2015Special Issue including a game with die-cut counters.
VaeVictis Issue #172 - January - February 2024 Special Game issue including the wargame with die-cut counters: La guerre de l'Ogaden (The Ogaden War) 1977
VaeVictis Issue #150 - March - April 202025th anniversary - 16 additional pages
Fleurus 1794 is a wargame from the series "les batailles de la Revolution" (Battles of the French Revolutionary wars), by Matthieu Dangla.It covers the battle of Fleurus, between the French army of General Jourdan and a Coalition force lead by Saxe-Cobourg. The game is included in running subscription and will release end of December.